Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mount Linux Loopback disk in Windows

  • You have a dual boot (Windows+Linux) machine
  • You want windows to read your linux partition (EXT2/EXT3)
  • But your linux is installed on a Loopback device file. ( Wubi installation, Ubuntu on windows.... )
Two great utilities

FS-Driver - Windows EXT2 driver. Enough for reading true linux partition. Works for Ext3 volumes which have been cleanly dismounted beforehand.

FileDisk - Mounts any disk image as a windows volume. You can also mount any ISO from the "right-click" menu as a virtual cdrom.

Command for mounting a linux loopback disk as a windows volume:
filedisk /mount 0 e:\ubuntu\disks\root.disk h:
(mount disk image as windows volume H:)

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